Thursday 15 May 2014


by Unknown  |  in Mobile at  00:15

We've been hearing a lot about Samsung's upcoming AMOLED tablet, which will allegedly be called the Galaxy Tab S. The latest about the tablet is that it is scheduled to launch on June 12 in New York, according to Samsung Mobile head J.K. Shin.

 In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, Shin stated that a Samsung is getting ready to launch new tablets next month.
Shin didn't mention the Galaxy Tab S by name, but considering that the tablet was spotted undergoing certification at the FCC yesterday, it is likely that Samsung will launch the device next month.

While we haven't heard a great deal about other tablets in the Galaxy Tab S series, it is possible that Samsung might launch a 13.3-inch variant and an 8.4-inch version in addition to the 10.5-inch slate, according to a leak we came across earlier this week.

Samsung is known to offer three variants of a tablet, as seen by the Galaxy Tab and the Galaxy Tab Pro series, but this will be the first time we'll see a 13.3-inch tablet from the manufacturer. The Galaxy Tab Pro 12.2 is already a gargantuan tablet and is often too heavy to use comfortably, so it should be interesting to see how Samsung markets the 13.3-inch slate.

In addition to the tablet statements, Shin announced that the Galaxy S5 is off to a great start, and that the device has accrued 11 million sales since its launch last month. A report from earlier this week quoted 10 million shipments, so it is possible that Shin was referring to shipments to carriers and vendors rather than end users. The strong sales of the Galaxy S5 are said to boost Samsung's profit margins, as is usually the case after a flagship launch.